The Bible Is Not Your Savior!


"If you run to scripture and you stop there, then you’ve missed the entire point of scripture.  The point of Scripture is to send you on to Christ in a correct fashion, that you might feed from Him."   - Paul Washer

The first time I heard this quote was shortly after I became a believer. It was so profound to me. You know that period of time when everything is new and all you want is to consume as much Scripture as possible? Yeah, it was during that point in my faith.




That is why these words screamed at me. Then I remembered what Jesus said in the Gospels. "You search the Scriptures because you think that in them you have eternal life; and it is they that bear witness about me" John 5:39

We all have our quiet times (I hope)! I am sure they all look different. The one thing that should be in everyone set-aside time is actually going to Christ. Reading Scripture, memorizing it, listening to it, and any other way we consume is awesome, but it should all point to Christ, 



It is a Witness. Scripture is our Weapon, indeed. It is our Sword! Yet and still, it should not leave us with truths alone. We shouldn't walk away with only faith in those words. Those words are inspired by God, and are meant to make us run to Him. 

Salvation is all about running to Christ! Bringing our burdens and cares is all about running to Christ! Finding a hiding place is all about running to Christ! This is what we mean when we say, "Christ is All!"

If you were to lose everything and have only Jesus, you have everything. So, a quiet time full of Scripture, with no Christ is missing the point. This is why prayer is so important. 




In prayer, we get to confess to Him the truths we have learned. We become closer and closer to Him! The Scripture themselves don't contain eternal life, but they do point us to the one who gives eternal life- Jesus Christ!

That is the importance of Scripture. There are so many opinions about who God is. Literally tons! You can ask 30 people and get 50 different answers. Depending on who you ask. 'God' to them may be a woman.

He may be “everything!” However, not in the way that the true God is omnipresent (always present). It may also be a statue for some, and even maybe a multitude of deities for others.




The world is coming up with more ideas about 'god' daily. What is the plumb line? Where do we go to for the answers? Is there a place where the true and living God is speaking and revealing Himself? Yes, His Word!

One interesting thing to note is that the Word became flesh and further showed us the way! "And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth." John 1:14

If we want to see not only what God has said of Himself, but how He walked and lived with mankind, we can just look at Jesus in Scripture. Yet again, the Bible is our witness, not our savior.




Just studying Jesus in Scripture isn't fellowship with Him. It is merely 'studying' Him. We can't have faith in the words. We have to have faith in the Word- Jesus!

Sister, don't fall into the trap of being satisfied with the act of intense studying of Scripture alone. Let those truths lead you to the Truth. Let what you see cause you to further go to Christ. Don't settle for knowing the Word in your mind.

Know Him personally. He is alive waiting on those who will just run to Him and sit like Mary at His feet. "She had a sister named Mary, who sat at the Lord's feet, listening to His message." - Luke 10:39




Maybe this is why we at times feel like our quiet times was just 30 mins of sitting. If only we would go to the throne. If only we would go through the torn veil to the Most Holy place!

In His Word, Jesus says come! We can close the Bible and walk into our day, or we can place our Bibles in our laps and go to Him in heart and prayer. What a great joy and peace to be found in Him.

Such salvation, comfort, help, counsel, and friendship. There is no better place to be than with Him. David said it's better to be with Him for one day than to be somewhere else a thousand times over.




Have you tasted and seen this Word? Sis, let's allow our hearts to be drawn to Him. Let's not forget Scripture and how important it is. But, let it pull us closer to our Lord!

"Then Jesus said, "Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest." Matthew 11:28




BibleJosephine Rose