Serving While Single!




It can be hard to watch most of your friends get married, and have babies. The friendships remain just as strong. The tone, however, is different. You can’t go out to eat spontaneously anymore. They have to nurse the baby. Now, they need to be home in time to cook hubby’s dinner. 

Your life has changed because your friendships have entered into new seasons. What are you to do now? You can still serve! Every member of the Body of Christ has a purpose, "Now you are the body of Christ, and each of you is a member of it (1 Corinthians 12:27).”  This does not exclude you! 


The purpose for everyone is to love God and to love others. "Jesus declared, “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself...' (Matthew 22:37-39).” Again, this does not exclude you!



I went to college with my friends. They met their boyfriends, turned husbands, there.  Of course, I was in their weddings. I helped with planning their wedding showers and such. All of my friends got married around the same time. 

Then, literally those married people became pregnant 6 months apart from each other. Another one is pregnant again! Weddings/showers and babies/showers were happening all around me. Friendships changed.

You may be experiencing the same kind of situation. Life is happening, but what is going on with you? It is sweet and all for them, but you feel left out of the loop. This doesn’t make you purposeless. That is a lie from the enemy!




Circumstances have changed but God is still the same! He planned all of this before you were born. He knows about your working situation and your occasional loneliness. It is okay to feel all of that. But, realize you are still in the Kingdom of God for a reason specific to you. Right now it doesn’t involve a husband and babies.

You can find ways to serve God in your singleness. One way is through pouring into the youth. You remember how you were as a teenager. You probably have access to some in this season of your life. Why not serve God by being a light to them. 

Ask the Lord how you might be used for His glory there- possibly mentoring or leading a Bible study. Maybe even just becoming a part of their lives. "We loved you so much that we shared with you not only God's Good News but our own lives, too (1 Thessalonians 2:8).”




You have friends with kids. Trust me, they wouldn’t mind your help! Offer to babysit so the mom can take a shower...or nap. You can be a help by keeping their kids for an evening as your friends enjoy a date night.

I have done this and it has been a blessing to them. It also glorifies God because you are helping your friends keep their marriage strong, by being able to get away.




This is a time in your life where you might have work and church studies. That takes time, but you also have time to do some reading. Reading good spiritual books will help you know God more. It will help you serve God better. It will help you love others well.

Here is a list of books I reviewed in a later post (click). In this season, you can use your time effectively by filling your mind with truth. "making the best use of the time, because the days are evil" Ephesians 5:16.



Acceptance is saying 'yes' to God right now. You may not particularly love this season, but you can ask God to help you embrace it. This is even a time where you can become mentored by someone older and wiser. Learn from older believers!  If you believe God to be good, wise, and loving, then you must believe where He has you in life is just where you need to be.


"...for I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am." Philippians 4:11.


Enjoy your single life! Spend it seeking God and have fun. You are not responsible for nurturing a family. This is the only time in life where you can be this free.

It is hard. I know! However, you can bring that to God. Tell Him that it is hard. Accept the fact that it is hard. Keep walking, and keep seeking. When God is guiding you, you can’t go wrong. 


"I will instruct you and teach you in the way which you should go; I will counsel you with My eye upon you" Psalm 32.8.


