Help for the Tired Christian!


Do you ever feel worn out? Tired? Like you would rather sleep instead of getting up another day, entering into your crazy busy schedule? Ya! Me too. In fact, I pushed and worked so much, in the past, that at one point my body called it quits. I was stuck in the bed, not able to do anything.

Sometimes I feel like 'adulting' is just too hard. And, the amount of adulting we do on a daily base, can make a TIRED Christian. It's difficult to have tons of things to get done while also having an empty tank of energy to do it on. There is encouragement for Christians when we feel like we can't possibly wake up and do it all over again.

God has given us graces, even in times like these. I am so grateful that the One who controls all things is the same One who has put us in the places we are in, for His glory. He has not left us without hope. In those times of just being tired, and when the coffee pot is not helping me out as I wish. God uses some key truths that I find helpful.



1. The Body of Christ


For even as the body is one and yet has many members, and all the members of the body, though they are many, are one body, so also is Christ.
1 Corinthians 12:12


When we were saved, by the blood of Jesus, sealed by the Holy Spirit, and Justified by God, He did not just save us separately from on another. No, He says we are a family, and He is our Father. He calls Himself a Shepherd, and us His flock. He even goes on to say we are a part of His body. You are a member of His body, and Christ is the Head, leading and guiding you.

When we allow the body of Christ to help bear our burdens, we are letting the other members of the body do what God wants them to do. When one part of the body is tired and worn down, it affects the whole body's ability to give glory to God in its full potential. Think about it practically. When your friend hurts, you hurt. When your mom is sick, it affects you. Others who love you don't want to see you struggling.

When you reach out to other members, you give them the opportunity to serve God, by serving you. You have a family; Tell them how tired you are. You will find that you are not the only one. There are many tired Christians, they just might not speak of it. In this way, several members can be encouraged.

So, ask someone, maybe a trusted friend, for help- Whether for prayer or another way of helping. Sometimes it is helpful to just speak it out loud to someone. Also, remember to constantly remind yourself of your Head, Christ. He allows seasons for a reason, but He is there, leading and guiding you still, even through the fog of tiredness.


2. Time with God


“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”
Matthew 11:28-30


I know this is a go to verse when someone is struggling in any way. Don't let the familiarity of it cause you to overlook what Jesus says. He is saying that to YOU, Christian. Place your name there. I will use my name. "Josephine, come to me, you weary and burdened one. Josephine, I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, learn from me."

Pray this to Him, "God you tell me to come to you, I am weary. I am burdened, I need you to give me rest. You said you are gentle and humble in heart, please give me rest for my soul today."

I want to make it clear though, that I am not telling you to change Scripture! I am telling you that the words of rest Jesus said to those listening in Matthew, are true for you also. Let those words settle in your heart. Talk to Him about how tired you are. The truth is...He knows you are tired, and He is calling you to Himself. In Exodus 33:14, God said, "My presence will go with you, and I will give you rest."

When you are off busy, trying to do all you have to do for the day, know that He is there with you. In every stressful moment, He is there with you. God has all resources in His hands, trust that He will use those for your good, in the right timing. So, when you look at your calendar, with tired eyes and what feels like half of a brain, (if that even) know that though it seems impossible for you, there is nothing impossible for Him.


3. One moment at a Time


“Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.
Mathew 6:34


It is tempting to look at today, and then look ahead to tomorrow and think, "It just ain't gonna happen!" But, He hasn't given you tomorrow's grace yet. He will give that to you when tomorrow comes. Though it is harder done than said, we must strive to 'stay in the day.' Sometimes we need to stay in the hour. In the very hour you find yourself in, what do you need to do? Do It!

Then know that He will give you strength mentally, emotionally, physically...etc to serve Him in the next hour. It says in Matthew 6:27, "Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his lifespan?" That was a rhetorical question. The answer is no one. Think about how much you worried about that last thing that caused you so much stress. Did it bring about any benefits?

Did anxiety provide you more time to do what you needed to get done? Probably not. It really is a waste of strength and time to think about tomorrow when today has its own troubles. Trust Jesus when He says, anxiety will not add on time to your life. It will do the opposite. So many people ruin their health, because of anxiety, about something that hasn't even happened yet.

Quick story from the Bible.

A woman named Mary was listening at the feet of Jesus. Martha, her sister was up doing chores. Martha was upset at the fact that Mary was sitting and not helping her. She had anxiety! Want to know what Jesus said? "Martha, are worried and upset about many things." He told her Mary had chosen the better choice.

What this says to me is that, in our moments of the day, somethings are not as important to stress about as we feel. I don't mean you to be neglectful. But be wise, focus on today, the hour, the minute...and decide what you need to do in those times. That is all you can do, and God will do the rest. His grace is sufficient for you, and His strength is made perfect in your weakness.


4. Rely on the Spirit


"But when He, the Spirit of truth, comes, He will guide you into all the truth; for He will not speak on His own initiative, but whatever He hears, He will speak; and He will disclose to you what is to come.
John 16:13


Jesus said this to His disciples before His ascension, encouraging them, that He would leave the Spirit of truth with them. This is true for us also. The Spirit guides us and speaks only what He hears from the Father. How often do you consult the Holy Spirit throughout the day? Are you walking through the day with the One Jesus left to guide you? It is very hard to be the one leading yourself.

Why? Because we are weak! How relieving is it to know that all you have to do is follow. Galatians 5:25 says, "If we live by the Spirit, let us also walk by the Spirit. Walking. Each step we take in our day, let us walk in the Spirit- In His wisdom, In His strength, in His guidance. Sometimes He will tell you to do what you know you can't do. Do it!

He will never steer you wrong. He will also never lead you away from Scripture, so be mindful when you feel led to do something. If He is truly leading, He is leading you by what He hears from the Father. Being led by the Spirit will help you live a glorifying life for Christ. Read Romans 8. It speaks of how the Spirit also helps in our weaknesses.

He, The Spirit, is interceding for you. Isn't that comforting? And because He is the third person of the trinity, His prayers for you are perfect! They will happen! Take some of the stresses of your days off of yourself, by believing that God will guide you. Don't try to lead yourself.

 Don't grow weary in doing good. Don't give up, you will find a reward! This is promised to God's children in Galatians 6:9. The things that you do every day, even the routine and mundane things, are not done in vain.

 A Song!

There is a verse of a song by the Gettys that I find encouraging. It is from the song called "Good Shepherd of My Soul". I usually find myself listening to it when I am tired and weary, so I end up weepy. It's a song of comfort for the tired soul. I encourage you to listen or look up the words. This Verse,


“I'll walk this narrow road
With Christ Before me
Where thorns and thistles grow
And cords ensnare me.
Though doubted and denied
He never leaves my Side
But lifts my head
And calls me to follow.”


encourages me, that when I am tired and even doubting, He will never leave me. Instead, He lifts my tired head and calls me to follow. This is true for you dear Christian.