The Struggle of Waiting!




Living in this fast passed world makes learning patience very difficult. I noticed earlier that I felt like the microwave was taking too long to warm my food! It was set for 2 minutes!

Living like this can be hard for the Christian because God works in His own timing. His ways are not like ours. If we could just wait and trust Him, we would have less anxiety and more peace.




Pick and choose a struggle. The possibilities are endless. You might be waiting for the job you feel that God is leading you towards. Another person may be frustrated with how long college is taking to complete.

Some may be waiting for a spouse, with no hopes in sight. We might be waiting for healing- either emotional or physical. Someone may long for children but conceiving still hasn’t happened yet. Success in your job, waiting for the salvation of a loved one…the list continues.

We are all waiting for something. We are either waiting on the Lord or waiting in fear and anxiety. You may want to ask with David, "How long, O LORD? Will you forget me forever? How long will you hide your face from me? Psalm 13:1"

These feelings are natural and are also enhanced by the world we live in. Many of us stop waiting on God. Instead, we try to pursue what is wanted, only for it to fail. God’s plans will always succeed. If your plans conflict with His plans, you can know without a doubt, His wins!




The struggle of waiting is not unique to our generation. Though creators of the latest technology, is steadily trying to find ways of making things faster, The Bible has plenty of evidence of impatience people, since man was created.




Think about Abraham. God promised Him a son in his old age. After waiting longer than she desired, his wife, Sarah, took things into her own hands and 'fulfilled' what she thought to be God’s plan. It was not what God had promised.

God had made a very clear promise to them. Out of unbelief and impatience, Sarah had a baby that was not the promised child. God allowed them to wait 14 years before Isaac was finally born (Genesis 17:21). That is a long time friend!

You can see why Sarah tried to go fast way, but God’s plan will never fail. This is true even when we try to rush Him. I believe some of us are guilty of what Sarah did.


We try to speed up God’s plan. It doesn’t work, and it usually brings grief! It makes things harder than they should have been. We must be careful not to be like Sarah. We are to wait on God’s perfect plan, no matter how long it takes.




What about Joseph? He was sold into slavery at age 17. He spent 13 years in Potiphar’s house and prison. God made a promise to Him, just as He made a promise to Abraham (Genesis 37:5). However, God allowed Joseph to be taken captive.

He spent years in prison (though he was given grace wherever he went). 13 years is a long time! How long have you been waiting? This waiting thing is not something new for those who follow God. He often makes us wait on Him because He will receive all of the glory. We are also sanctified during waiting seasons.




There are many others, but let’s look at one more. David! He was anointed 3 times to be king before He actually was crowned. The Lord had him wait 7 years before stepping into the role of the king (2 Samuel 55:4).

His life was not a bed of roses during His waiting time. He spent most of it running for his life, as Saul tried to kill him many times. Waiting is usually the way God works. Being crowned king after 7 hard years is not ideal, but it was God’a way.




We must remember God is wise. There are many promises in Scripture. One is to take His yoke because it is easy, but It doesn’t always feel easy! He has promised peace that passes understanding when burdens are laid before Him. However, we don’t always have peace!

That job, that house, school, the family member, a baby…and so on, will only happen in God’s perfect timing. With Him, nothing is taking too long! Everything is working according to His will.

So, rather than choosing to be miserable, until God brings about whatever you are praying for, choose to rest in His wisdom. Choose to believe Him wiser than you (Isaiah 55:9). Choose to humble yourself before Him.




When we are waiting, we are learning that God is in control and that we must find our all in Him. We begin to learn that He alone satisfies our souls. Everything else is a gift from Him (Psalm 107:9). If you are in a time of waiting, truly wait on the Lord! Seek His face and find your heart full from spending time with Him.

Instead of looking at the promised thing, look at Him. Don’t have one eye on that thing and the other eye on Him. No! Keep both eyes on Jesus. Become consumed by Him and when/if He brings ‘it,’ praises will go up to Him. You will be less prone to idolize the gift. If that does happen, God may call you to a similar circumstance as He called Abraham for Isaac (read Genesis 22).




In all of this, we are weak and needy! We can only please God in our waiting if we are relying on the Holy Spirit’s help. We will have to continue to abide in Christ and find the Holy Spirit to be our Comforter, Counselor, Teacher, and constant Friend (John 14:26).

Draw near to God in this season of waiting. You can be sure that God’s good plan for you will come to pass. It might not look the way you imagined it. It might take weeks, month, or even years. Still, your eyes should be on His face and not His hand. Look at His face!


