Searching for Satisfaction?
Whether Christian or not, we have a need within us that must be satisfied. There are many options in this world today. We have entertainment, social media, food, relationships, materialistic desires and more. Before we became Christians, we found our satisfaction in these things. As, believers, we are to find our all in Christ. He is the only One who can bring lasting satisfaction.
When we talk about finding our all in Christ, we can slip into a ‘me centered’ religion. This is when we seek God only for what He will give us. This is not what the Christian life should look like. We should not live expecting God to be like a vending machine that gives us what we want, whenever and however we want it. However, I have seen this happen with believers, including myself!
Our relationship with Christ should primarily be with Him at the center, and not us! When He becomes the center, we will be satisfied. Just note that our satisfaction is not the goal of Christianity. It is to know God, love Him, love His people, and further the Kingdom through sharing the Gospel.
Although our relationship with God should not be centered on us, we can’t deny the fact that we are a people with a need within us. We were created by and for God (Colossians1:16). Therefore we can’t get what we need apart from Him. Look at the world. We can see a trend in pop culture. The ‘super stars,’ with more money than anyone would need to live on, spiral down into horrible pits.
We witness the death of many popular artists and actresses due to drug overdoses. If not that, we see the artists that began softly in their manner, turn hard and cold as they continue to gather more fame.
The love of money is the root of all evil says (1 Timothy 6:10). Money is not bad, the love of it is what God calls sinful. Still, it is obvious that money doesn’t satisfy. We also see many people dying of anorexia and bulimia. This shows that even the things we need for living (such as food) can’t satisfy our hearts.
I was a mess in my childhood. I didn’t know how to deal with all of the chaos that surrounded me, so I found food was something that I could control. It started out slowly, and then it continued to a very dangerous place for me. I had decided that I was too ‘fat,’ and I needed to not eat, or severely decrease my food intake. I was 128 pounds, and I felt like I should have been smaller.
That was a surface issue. The root was that I found anorexia to be my god. I wanted it to take the pain away. Did it work? Of course not! People cut themselves, become alcoholics, drug addicts, overweight, underweight, and exhausted from striving and striving for success. All of this is done in vain. We need something that we can’t give ourselves. We need God to satisfy.
When we look at the world, we see a variety of things that are offered- Get rich schemes, books that claim to change your life forever, and the diet that will actually work this time. The problem with this is that…it is all a lie.
Yes, they provide temporary satisfaction. It is immediate satisfaction, which is what makes it most desirable. However, we quickly find ourselves empty again, and the cycle repeats itself over and over again. We need an eternal source of fulfillment. The world can’t give this.
Think about it. How much money is ‘enough?’ Once you reach your target amount, you will not be satisfied, because there is always a desire for more. You will never actually get ‘enough,’ because your ‘enough’ will continue to become greater as you get more and more.
This is the same with food. How much food does it take? How much alcohol will it take to satisfy? How small do the numbers on the scale have to be for you to be satisfied? How many boyfriends does it take? The answer is unending. We will always desire more because the world can’t offer us a fullness of satisfaction. What the world offers is instant satisfaction. It is really broken cisterns.
Jesus said to her, “Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again. But whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst. John 4:13 -14
This verse is applicable to us today. Though we are not bringing buckets to a well of water. We are bringing our hearts to a well. As Christians, our well is the living water Jesus offers.
It is His peace, comfort, love, support, and care that satisfies. He is our Protector, Lover, Friend, Healer, and infinitely more than words can say. Whatever “thing” we are trying to numb can only be healed by Jesus.
The love you may be trying to receive by men can only be satisfied by the steadfast and deep love of Christ. The alcohol may help numb a broken heart from deep rooted pain, but God alone can make you whole.
The image that you desire, for approval or control, can only be found in Jesus. He has died for you and sees you as precious. He approves! There is no need for you to control your life because Jesus, Who is perfect in all His ways, is controlling all things for your good.
Whenever we try to find satisfaction, what we use and see is only a symptom. Again, money is an easy example. Someone who is obsessed with getting more money is insecure and wants to find security in the value of money. They are trying to fill the void of protection and safety. They would like to be their own god, instead of trusting in the all sufficient God. Money is a blessing and is necessary. However, it shouldn’t be our God.
The surface is always a symptom. That thing that you believe you so desperately need is something you think will serve you well. It does, but only for a time. This kind of living is both dangerous and miserable. It is not for a child of God!
I challenge you to survey your life. Look within and try to find your current source for satisfaction. Most of the things mentioned in this post are not sinful in and of themselves. They are good! However, when they replace God, it is idolatry. It is sinful and it will never work.
This is not to condemn yourself. There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus (Romans 8:1). When we see sin, we are to bring it to our loving Father who has already forgiven us of the sin that was nailed to the cross of Christ.
With the grace of God, examine yourself and see if your heart is clinging to something for a need that only God can fulfill. When you find you are drinking from another well (because there is always something) offer it up to God, and satisfy that need in Christ.
Ask God for help, and truly seek Him. You will find that He is abundantly more than you could ever need. What He gives is safe and lasting. There is a hymn that is often laid on my heart when I am feeling empty.
Jesus Jesus, all sufficient
Beyond telling is thy worth
In Thy name lie, greater treasures
Than the riches found on earth
Such abundance, such abundance
Is my portion with my God
In Thy gracious Face there’s beauty
Far surpassing everything,
Found in all the earth’s great wonder
Mortal eye has ever seen
Rose of Sharon, Rose of Sharon
Thy Thou self art heaven’s delight.