Biblical Courage: Do It Afraid!
Have you ever wanted to do something so badly, but you felt afraid to? The fear was so paralyzing that the very thought of it made you lose a couple breaths.
Yeah, me too, girl. In fact, for me, it's what I am doing right now. Typing these words, that will be published soon! If that ain't pressure, I don't know what is!!
There are some who have wanted to write all of their lives. They loved English and their bucket list contains the words, "Write a Book."
Nope. Not me! I went to school for Psychology and Christian Counseling. However, God has a sense of humor, doesn't He?
This blogging thing came out of being really sick and unable to get out of bed. I am not one who can just do nothing. Then, what do you know? I feel God led me to do this...and I love it!
The point is, the feelings of fear hasn't gone away yet. I’ve heard oftentimes, they never do. We just have to keep pushing through! We can either let timidity keep us in shackles, or we can let fear be an audience and not the boss.
Essentially, we do that thing afraid. We feel the fear and we let it follow us along the journey. Keyword, "follow." It's not driving us. It doesn't get to win. And, sister friend, we are not alone in our feelings. God is walking beside us!
If we are being led by the Spirit, while trusting and leaning on God's help, we are on the road to His purpose. Instead of fighting it, we can love that part of us that screams, "but...but...but..." We can tell her to look at Christ who is all-sufficient.
We are living for Him, not for ourselves! We are to be a living sacrifice. Pleasing to Him. "I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Romans 12:1"
We no longer belong to ourselves, and it is now prideful to say God isn't enough. If He is enough to save, He is enough to carry out His purposes that were planned before the foundations of the earth.
Yes sister, that even means when we are trembling in fear!
Some helpful news is that we are not alone! God uses weak people. All of us have something in common. Frailty! We are weak. We are just dust. Because of this, there is example after each other of scared people...who did it anyway.
Do you remember Moses? He was so afraid He suggested God use somebody else! Have you ever felt that way? Like, "Lord, can't somebody else do it? It is too much risk for me. What if I fail? I'm not good enough!"
Yep, Moses, who saw a glimpse of God's blinding glory, felt the same. Yet, He did it afraid! That was a pleasing sacrifice for God, and look what God did through Him! Sis, God used a man of dust to lead the Israelites out of slavery.
Moses himself was so frightened at the sight that he said, "I am terrified and trembling. Hebrew 12:21"
"Then Moses stretched out his hand over the sea; and the LORD swept the sea back by a strong east wind all night and turned the sea into dry land, so the waters were divided. Exodus: 14:21"
The same was the case of Gideon, and Sarah- mother of the promised Isaac, David, and so many more! You can read those accounts for the further encouragement!
It's good to see how tiny we are! However, we shouldn't let that keep us from stepping out. As followers of Christ, we truly have to follow Christ. He sets the path, and then we simply follow! He understands the way He is leading!
Let's let our fears lead us back to Christ! Let our worry be a reminder that we aren't strong enough. We aren't capable of doing that thing alone. God's might is better seen in our weakness!
Let our failings be a means to glorify our Savior! He saved us from death and has given us eternal life! Certainly, He can guide us down the path He has arranged for us!
I know it is scary! As I said, I am afraid. Let's do it afraid! Let's not allow timidity to make us coward away from God's directions. God is with us, equipping us with all that we need for life and godliness.
"so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work. Timothy 3:17"
Let’s be women of courage! "Obedience calls for courage. Courage is not the absence of the emotion of fear, but the resolve to obey despite what we feel. Exercise your trust in God by stepping out in obedience."
Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow!