3 Must Have Christian Books!
If you are a person, there is a book for you. With Amazon online, libraries, and bookstores surrounding us, they are easy to find. In the Christian Section, there are quite a few choices? I am a bit of a nerd- An introverted nerd at that. So, a good book and a cup of coffee on a quiet evening are perfect for me.
Though I have read many, there are a few books I have a special love for. As a Christian book lover, I would like to share 3 of my favorites. Each one of the books I will mention, opened my eyes to see Christ better and stirred the affections of my heart to love Him more.
1. All of Grace by Charles Spurgeon
I mention this book first because the Lord used it during and after my salvation. When I was searching for Christ, but not yet a believer, a dear friend gave me this book to borrow. As I sought to know God, who was a stranger to me at that time, He allowed me to see glimmers of Christ.
I actually finished the whole book as an unbeliever. Quickly after, however, The Lord saved me during a church service. Then, I read it again. Talk about mind blown! I still don’t know how I missed so much of the gospel during the first read, except that I was spiritually blind. This book is the Gospel of Christ spelled out in the most thorough yet simplistic way.
The description of the book says, “In All of Grace, C.H. Spurgeon outlines the love of God in such clear, simple language that everyone can understand and be drawn to the Father. Any attempt to please God based upon our own works bring self-righteousness and coldness of heart. It is the free grace and mercy of God that makes the heart glow with warmth and thankfulness for God’s love.”
Doesn’t that just make you want to read it? If you choose to, it will be worth it.
2. Because We Love Him by Clyde Cranford
What can I say about this book except amazing? I love it! It was one of those books that I needed to read before I knew I needed to read it… and only found out during reading it. I have read it 3 times, not joking! This book is all about the reason Christian’s should seek to obey God.
The answer is in its title. We should, because we love Him. Clyde talks a lot about holiness. In the preface, he writes, “I commend this book to you with the prayer that, in the context of your own life, it will be a help and an encouragement to be holy as your heavenly Father is holy.”
Clyde writes about a holiness married with a Christian’s love for God. That love for God drives the want of obedience. There are chapters on intimately with God, knowing Him, and pleasing Him with a fighting and fiery faith. If you are up for a book that will gracefully challenge you to become more like Christ, this one is a great pick!
3. The Pursuit of God by A.W. Tozer
This one is last, but not least, and maybe my favorite among the three. This book!!! God used it when I was in college struggling with what it meant to really have a close relationship with God.
In Christian circles, we hear that a personal relationship with God is what we should have. We all totally agree, but what does that look like practically? This book touches on running hard after God, and it shares how nothing is really valuable apart from Him. Tozer explains the Gospel’s removal of the veil that now allows us to come closer to God.
My favorite chapters are the ones on Apprehending God, His Universal Presence, and the Gaze of the Soul (a description of faith.) We say we believe the Father is one of the Persons of the Trinity. A PERSON! A person can be known!
Tozer tells the reader that God can be known just as well as any person can be known on earth. He gives the reader help in this area. God used Tozer in helping me see Him as a Person I can actually know. If you are thirsting and yearning for a closer walk with God, Tozer attempts to draw you deeper into a very present and near walk with Him. I highly recommend it!
Here is a secret. This post was supposed to be about five books. You would end up reading tons more words if I introduce the others! So, there will be a part 2. Until then, try reading one of these books, and I would love to know your thoughts about them.